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Greenville LNG: Replacement of Higher Carbon Fuels by Natural Gas in the Industrial and Power Sector in Nigeria

CLN worked with an LNG producer to develop and register a carbon-based emission reduction project under the UNFCCC CDM Programme of Activity (PoA) using the UNFCCC CDM mechanism. The project involves the use of LNG to provide energy feedstock for industries that have limited or no access to natural gas and as such use highly intensive fossil fuels such as diesel and LPFO. Under the PoA all project activities that will switch from LPFO/Diesel fuel to the use of natural gas because of the implementation of the project (LNG) will be registered as CPA under the PoA. The PoA has been approved and registered by the UNFCCC

administratorGreenville LNG: Replacement of Higher Carbon Fuels by Natural Gas in the Industrial and Power Sector in Nigeria
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European Union Fuel Quality Directives for Upstream Emission Reductions

CLN is currently working with national and indigenous oil and gas companies to identify and assess projects that could be developed to achieve certified carbon emission reduction (carbon credit). The objectives of these projects are to monetize the carbon credits achieved from these projects under the current European union fuel quality directive. Emission reductions achieved from the projects will be sold to countries in the European Union that seek to meet their GHG emission reduction targets in the oil and gas sector.

administratorEuropean Union Fuel Quality Directives for Upstream Emission Reductions
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Gas Utilization Projects Portfolio Review


  • Three registered gas flaring reduction projects in Nigeria, generating the largest amount of carbon credits in Africa.
  • The first has generated over 2,000,000 tons of carbon credits and has gained additional revenue from the sale of the carbon credit. The two other projects have the potential to generate up to 400,000 tons of carbon credits annually, both projects have now been registered under the EU-Fuel Quality Directive Scheme.

Gas Utilization Projects Portfolio Review
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